What bamberg thinks about soder and the csu

what bamberg thinks about soder and the csu

Lucia villareal: "it is difficult to achieve anything without a clear line within the party. I believe that the internal unrest and the right-wing conservative orientation are damaging the CSU.
I think that the change with markus soder is not bad."

Romy springer: "i find the basic CSU concept difficult. Your stance on issues like marriage for all are outdated. Their orientation is too conservative. I don’t think that will change much with markus soder."

Dieter zabel: "with markus soder, a frenchman will probably become minister president. I hope that he can prevail and that he thinks of the burgers in franken. The power struggle is an unnecessary mud fight. I would wish that the politicians would focus on the people again.

Karl franz: "i recommend separating the party leadership now, dividing it between horst seehofer and markus soder, so that peace returns and the CSU can once again take care of political issues. With all this back and forth, sometimes you feel powerless because you can only watch." To markus soder he says:" he will not do worse."

Darius kuhner: "even though i’m no friend of the CDU/CSU, i know that these decisions affect us all. How the whole thing will develop is difficult to predict.


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