Backhaus muller honors long-serving employees

It has become a tradition for the family that owns the muller bakery to hold a small annual celebration in the fall to honor its long-serving, hard-working and dedicated employees – and this was the case on saturday evening at the "s antla" inn in kronach. Edith muller and her sons peter and ulrich muller, who are now the third and fourth generations of the family to run the business, expressed their sincere thanks to the jubilarians for their loyalty and hard work over the past years with a certificate, a gift of flowers and a present.

No longer self-evident

"In our fast-moving times, it is not natural for employees to remain loyal to a company for such a long time", edith muller emphasized. Unfortunately, it has now become an extremely alarming situation in our country that it takes a lot of effort to find professionally qualified personnel in the skilled trades. It was therefore a great pleasure for her to have "upper franconia’s best saleswoman" in her own ranks this year jenny bittruf from kronach – a specialist saleswoman in the food trade, specializing in baking – was the winner of the chamber of handicrafts for upper franconia thanks to her outstanding performance in her examinations.

During the evening, elke saal and heike uhl were honored for ten years of service, tamara herbst and andreas gremer for 15 years, and michaela barnickel and petra krampe for 25 years. Hildegard burger and johanna stumpf have been loyal to muller for 30 years, and klaus eber for as long as 35 years.

"As far as the future of our artisan bakery is concerned, i don’t have to worry", edith muller was pleased that her sons peter and ulrich complement each other so well in their work and knowledge. A takeover has nothing to do with historic preservation. "It is a daily challenge of above-average performance and diligence. These are the best ingredients and the guarantee for the continuity of our bakery, because tradition is not the worship of ashes", she explained.

The fact that loyal employees could now be honored again was, as their sons were sure, no accident. Rather, this was the result of continuous training, even at a time when this was not so easy and other companies had refrained from doing so. Nevertheless, even in these difficult years, the company continued to train young people and create jobs with a future, regardless of the age of the new employees.

Elke saal, for example, did not begin her work for the bakery until she was in her mid-50s. On the other hand, klaus eber started his apprenticeship as a baker with the grandfather of peter and ulrich muller, heinrich muller, in 1984 – the same year that ulrich muller was born. "Our ebba has known his bosses since the playpen in the old company kitchen!", according to ulrich muller..

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