Almost two thirds do not want to do without a car

Almost two thirds do not want to do without a car

Almost two-thirds of the motorists surveyed (63.9 percent) could "rather not" or "definitely not" imagine giving up their cars for the sake of environmental protection, according to a civey poll for the "tagesspiegel" newspaper. 27.7 percent, on the other hand, considered this conceivable. At the same time, more than three-quarters of all respondents thought the federal government was doing too little for local transport or cyclists. Around 2500 people were surveyed.

The survey showed that green (a good 60 percent) and left-wing (just under 50 percent) voters in particular were prepared to give up most of their seats. On the other hand, 73.3 percent of CDU/CSU supporters and 80.3 percent of FDP voters find this inconceivable – among afd voters, the figure is as high as 86.9 percent. In the countryside in particular, hardly anyone wants to – or is able to – do without a car, while in the cities more than half do. Overall, the readiness in the east of germany is lower.

According to the survey, 55.9 percent of respondents – especially in densely populated cities – were against the plan to ban the registration of new cars with internal combustion engines in germany from 2030 onwards. The majority of supporters of the SPD, the left and above all the greens were in favor of the proposal.


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