Magicians conjure up puma in herzogenaurach clubhouse

Magicians conjure up puma in herzogenaurach clubhouse

Wizards and sorcerers have always had their fascination. Whether it is the dark, often evil figures of the middle ages, the ancient woman-haired and good magician gandalf from middle earth, or the modern magician of the modern age, who captivates the audience in illusion shows or in the circus – magic always finds its fans.
Wolfgang klier is one of these magicians. He also looks a bit like he was able to cast spells on people back in the days of king arthur: curly gray hair, a goatee and bright, penetrating eyes. The 68-year-old is one of the few magicians in the world who belong to the english magic circle. And he enjoys to fascinate people. After decades of work, he is now doing this for the first time in his hometown, in herzogenaurach.

Joint premiere
30 years the present bubenreuther klier has lived at the aurach. But apart from private performances in the duke's park, he has not yet shown his skills in his home country. By the way, this is what he has in common with daniel jordan. The two together will now perform their first joint magic show on 16. February in the clubhouse show.
Promised is a night of magic and illusions. And in addition there's a portion of thrill. Because jordan makes a real cat of prey appear out of nowhere, of course, before the eyes of the audience.
Klier himself prefers the quieter magic. Mental magic is his main horse, "the most fascinating branch of magic", as he notes. The audience in hochstadt also experienced this when he predicted the headlines of the day to the burgermeister there. This kind of magic is not witchcraft, as the old master tells us. "It is based on psychology, sound knowledge of human nature and a fine sense of perception".

Kevin costner "enchants
Klier involves the audience. He reads minds and predicts things, uses playing cards, and does a lug test with guests. Some of his tricks are so clever "that even my colleagues haven't figured them out yet".
And among these colleagues are true conners. Like klier, they also belong to the "magic circle" an, the english form of the magic circle. You first have to manage to be accepted into this circle of the best.
"We all know there's no such thing as magic", says the frenchman quite unromantically. And yet he enchants people when he uses their imagination and casts a spell over them. "You just have to let yourself be kidnapped", says klier. And: "a human being without imagination is like a butterfly without wings". The fascination of enchantment works everywhere, whether in herzogenaurach, hollywood or las vegas. Klier worked magic in hollywood for three years, and he accompanied movie star kevin costner on his band's german tour as a magician and visited his casino in las vegas.

Sarah in the cabinet of death
Daniel jordan, the 31-year-old from erlangen, relies more on lightning and thunder, the roar of robber cats and the rattle of forks. He promises "an enchanting journey through the world of magic with the most modern gross illusions". Jordan has two assistants with him, he makes them float through the air and disappear, and then he cuts one of them in half, among other things with 14 swords "which i slam into the box at full speed". The "cabinet of death" is for strong nerves: "in this performance, sarah tied up before being locked up in the cabinet of death", jordan explains in his flyer. "Eight sharp sabers, two pointed spears and a coarse lance are thrust through the cabinet from all sides to mystical music".

Magic in mallorca
For three years he presented his program to the vacationing public in mallorca, then he performed in almost a hundred shows in spain. That's where his new idea was born – the show with felines. In a spanish zoo he bought the two pumas, a seven-year-old female named meika and the one year younger fabricio. He weighs in at 100 kilograms.
Jordan himself is fascinated by the mixture of danger, power and grace that these cats of prey exude. The erlanger, who keeps his animals in forchheim, is one of the few illusionists in europe who work with cats of prey.And of all things he has chosen pumas. "These are the most difficult animals for dressage", says joran. "What they have learned today, they will have forgotten tomorrow". During the performance the animals naturally do not leave their cage. So there is no dressage like in the circus. But suddenly, as if by magic, one of these predatory cats appears in an empty kafig – that alone promises to give you the creeps.


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